Florensia skill chart
Florensia skill chart

florensia skill chart

GIS provides an opportunity for students to explore their environment by using new technology. Based on the results, of the analysis it can be concluded that spatial thinking skills is at the core of achievement in geography learning. The method used in the assessment of this problem is qualitative descriptive. These data can be facilitated well through image data processing software and Geography Information System (GIS). To further facilitate and sharpen their analysis, data that is capable of supporting can be used to produce the new information needed. In principle, they must be able to understand how the characteristics of a region that has a high vulnerability to disasters. This ability to think spatially can be applied by students in terms of analyzing areas prone to disasters. On the surface of the earth, some things become problems related to natural conditions that can be solved by those who can to think spatially. This is very important because this concept is the main character in studying geography. Spatial thinking skills must be mastered by students.

florensia skill chart

Increased spatial thinking skills make students better recognize the condition of the surrounding environment from various aspects of both threats, vulnerability, and risk of disaster. GIS provides opportunities for social studies students to explore the geosphere phenomenon in the surrounding environment uses technology. Based on the analysis results it is described that the Geographic Information System (GIS) provided an important role in creating and improve skills students’ spatial thinking. Data analysis was performed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Article writing procedure was carried out by examining, comparing, and interpreting the results of similar studies that have been explained in the form of journals and articles. Resolve geosphere phenomena, for example, disaster vulnerability can be assessed using assistance from Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Geography studies in which various analyzes geosphere is phenomena can be solved by spatial thinking. Spatial thinking skills are characteristic and an important part of learning geography.

Florensia skill chart